The Intern Experience – Anna Dingler

This past summer, I had the amazing experience of working for BlueFletch as an Android Development Intern for their Enterprise Mobility Suite. The focus of my internship was to work on projects related to these products and solve bugs as they arose throughout the summer. Not only was this a great opportunity for me to grow as a developer, but BlueFletch provided a balanced work environment.

My Projects

Over the course of the summer, BlueFletch sought to revamp one of the apps in the Enterprise Mobility Suite, Device Locator. The purpose of device locator is to sound an alert on another device in a store if it was deemed missing. While the app was already functioning at a base level, my team saw the need to make the app more user-friendly as well as provide more information about a device’s location.

I implemented a new user interface made by our design team, as well as the new features in the app using Android Studio. Device Locator helped me develop my programming skills since I had never created a project as large and I was new to Android Studio. It also helped me understand what it is like to work in a professional, collaborative environment. I consistently had my code reviewed by senior developers and was able to learn from their feedback throughout the project. Working on this project helped me see what it looks like to plan a project, execute it, and watch it evolve as the vision for the app progresses.

During the last month of my internship, my focus turned to streamlining the documentation for the Enterprise Mobility Suite. Instead of having to manually find each version of an app when it was created, my team saw a need to have these versions saved automatically. I initially started by posting all of our latest versions to Slack in order to notify our entire team; however, the project evolved to include automatically creating a document of all of the changes for that version and posting them to our team website. With this webpage, we are able to see the differences in our versions without searching through the history. This project gave me the chance to break out of my comfort zone. I was able to learn a new scripting language, become more familiar with Git, and see the internal side of a project. Now, this process is implemented in all of the apps within the Enterprise Mobility Suite.

Looking Back

While I only focused on two of my projects of the summer, BlueFletch taught me so much more than just that. I was occasionally brought onto different projects, and I learned how to adjust my mindset in order to pivot to something new. I consistently jumped into different products from our suite in order to resolve bugs, and then switched gears to look at a completely new set of code the next day. I even was given an app to write on my last day of work, and while it might not have been completely finished, I was able to get much farther than I would have on my first day. This summer was an amazing opportunity that was full of growth, and I am beyond grateful for it.

Write-up on Anna, one of BlueFletch's 2019 interns