
Android Security Solutions for Government Agencies

The BlueFletch Enterprise helps secure government-owned Android devices while empowering the federal workforce to become more productive.

For Public Safety Agencies

Software solutions that provide secure, seamless access to the applications and data first responders need from anywhere, across any rugged Android handheld device.

For Department of Defense Agencies

Software solutions that enable military, army, and navy productivity and bolster the security posture of their rugged Android devices on base and in the field.


Secure Login & Authentication

When responding to an emergency or disaster, Federal officials need to be able to quickly and securely log in to their rugged Android devices and gain immediate access to their mission-critical applications. 

The BlueFletch Launcher with Single Sign-On is a solution that enables a more efficient workforce and provides granular user and device-level security control that defends against mobile security threats. 

EMS responder using rugged Android


Identify Device Threats

As Federal agencies continue to enable a mobile workforce, understanding security is critical to the workflow of mission-critical tasks.

The BlueFletch Enterprise Device Compliance tools are designed to maximize protections and proactively identify risk. You can make actionable decisions based on key insights from user, device, and application data. 


Mobile Threat Prevention

Federal agencies often need to lock down mobile devices and disable features and functionality across multiple OEM devices to prevent user misuse. 

The BlueFletch Launcher with Device Lockdown can be customized for Federal agencies that need a tailored security experience while also providing your workforce with purpose-built devices that are secure and ready for use. 

Firefighter using rugged tablet

BlueFletch Enterprise: Key Solutions

Fast, Secure Login for Any and Every Application

BlueFletch Launcher with secure Single Sign-On (SSO) helps Federal agencies eliminate password vulnerabilities while also allowing their workforce to become more productive.

Simple Integration with Existing Identity Provider

BlueFletch Launcher easily integrates with Identity Managers like Active Directory, Azure, and Okta, eliminating the headache of a complex setup process for government IT teams.

Multi-Layered Device and User Security

The need to protect data on the mobile devices used by the Federal workforce has never been more important. Leverage the BlueFletch Launcher to lock down devices and settings, control user app permissions, and configure custom logout rules.

Total Device Visibility and User Accountability

One-third of government organizations have at least one device without a lock screen enabled, putting them at risk of device loss and data breach. BlueFletch Smart Logout Rules and Device Locator help keep your devices and data secure.


Government workforce needs access to apps at their fingertips

Government employees use many apps at work and they need a distinct password for each. This actually puts organizations at risk because users are reluctant to create multiple complex passwords and instead adopt bad password habits, like using the same password across all their apps. Given that 80% of hacking-related breaches are due to weak or stolen credentials, government agencies need to ensure their employee login and authentication process is secure.


BlueFletch Launcher with single sign-on

BlueFletch Launcher offers a fast and frictionless login process by using single sign-on to securely authenticate users and give them immediate access to the business apps tied to their role or permission level. With BlueFletch’s single sign-on support for any mobile, web, legacy, or third-party application, the government workforce can spend less time fumbling with passwords and more time tending to civilians and carrying out critical tasks. 

  • Customize access policies per application
  • Integrate with your existing Identity Provider to secure app access in a way that works best for your business
  • Streamline the login experience for your workforce, providing immediate and secure access to all their business apps 
  • Reduces authentication time from 30 seconds to less than a second, potentially saving minutes each day for field workers
BlueFletch launcher user interface and functionality
BlueFletch custom launcher compared to default Android launcher


Default Android Launchers offer limited security control for shared government devices

1 out of 3 government agencies have devices without a passcode or lock screen enabled, which poses a huge security risk. Default launchers that come with your newly purchased rugged Android devices aren’t designed for shared-user scenarios. They offer minimal security control and functionality needed to lockdown devices and protect sensitive data. 


BlueFletch Launcher with custom security and lockdown controls

The BlueFletch Launcher was designed to provide security features government IT teams need to safeguard data and secure Android device fleets – without impeding employees’ productivity and increasing support costs. Our launcher is more than a kiosk; it’s a highly customizable and secure home screen that provides a single sign-on login experience for employees.

  • Restrict apps based on a user’s permission level
  • Control access to settings to prevent misuse
  • Automatically uninstall foreign applications that aren’t whitelisted 
  • Configure custom logout rules such as session timeouts, no device motion, or device cradled
  • Clear running apps and cached data upon logout


Asset management and visibility

IT and security resources for government agencies often lack real-time visibility of their device fleets. Not knowing a device’s whereabouts, health, last known user, network, and software information makes it difficult for teams to securely manage and support their rugged Android devices in the field.


Total device, user, and data awareness

The BlueFletch Enterprise empowers government IT teams with complete visibility of their device fleet in real-time. Enterprise can be implemented to any Android device running 5.0 and above, so it is the optimal solution for gaining actionable data across your mixed device fleet and environment. 

  • Check-Out and Check-In data allow you to know which frontline employees currently have what device and when they last used them
  • Data points such as the device’s remaining battery capacity allow resources to proactively order battery replacements before you’re down a device in the field
  • Device Finder and GPS integrations verify the location of your rugged Android devices for accurate inventory tracking 
Support agent device usage dashboard


Speak with our team

Our team is here to help solve your unique mobility challenges and empower your agency. Contact us to get started.