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As organizations continue to leverage mobile technology, Android Kiosk Mode will continue to play a role in modernizing the way we work and interact with brands as customers.
Cron jobs on multi-instance Elastic Beanstalk can be challenging. Our goal is often to have the jobs handled by NodeJS and also guaranteed to run on only one given instance at a time. Sometimes a separate web worker instance makes sense for this, but a lot of times we don’t want a separate server and codebase.
The Elephant Zebra in the Room Enterprise mobility’s elephant in the room is that Android security patches are rarely applied to the corporate-owned mobile fleet.
Internet advertisements have become very obtrusive and more apparent over the last several years. Users conducting research from various sources on the web are often
BlueFletch Joins the Panasonic XCELERATE Software Application Developer Program for TOUGHBOOK Mobile Solutions
Logging in to your accounts is such a stressful process when you have to keep doing it over and over again. With Single Sign-On you have immediate access to all of your business apps within seconds.
React Native is an increasingly popular framework for building cross-platform mobile apps. Unlike other cross-platform development frameworks, React Native compiles down to true native instead of running Javascript inside web views. On its own, React Native is powerful, and with the introduction of a few great libraries, it becomes even more valuable.
Richard Makerson from BlueFletch discusses ways retailers can lockdown and control devices with Kiosk Mode and Enterprise Launcher software.
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