Product Overview: Components of BlueFletch Enterprise Mobility Suite

Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) is an all-in-one software toolset for fully managed, dedicated Android devices. Together, the components of EMS help organizations secure, manage, and support large-scale rugged Android fleets.


Paige Pickert  
Enterprise Mobility Suite is a set of software tools designed to help organizations secure, manage and support their company-owned rugged Android devices. The EMS toolset consists of three components enterprise launcher is a secure home screen replacement for company-owned Android devices that provides multi-user single sign-on and integrates with all major identity providers. When a user logs in, Launcher will only display the apps that are tied to the user’s Directory group or role-based permission. Users can re-authenticate their session with a pin or secondary token, NFC, barcode, and face recognition. To protect against device loss and data breaches. Admins can configure smart logout roles such as logout on cradle or inactivity timers. By logging out, the device will clear any cached session data, destroy tokens and completely end the session. Support agent consists of a background service that captures critical device events as well as a front-end facing application that end users can view in kiosk mode to reduce call times when troubleshooting with the help desk. This tool captures more than 40 data points in real-time and can be viewed in a customizable dashboard where clients can see device-specific data such as check-in and check-out battery health. Device locator, app usage, and network performance enterprise installer is a Google-validated e&m solution built specifically to manage company-owned Android devices for dedicated use. With this tool, IT admins can install configurations remotely, manage the use of business applications, and lock down device features and settings to ensure functionality. To learn more about EMS, contact our team at info at or 855-529-6349

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