White Paper:

Leveraging FIDO Keys for Improved Login Experience on Enterprise Mobile Devices

This white paper explores the benefits of using FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) authentication keys for secure and efficient user access. FIDO keys provide a robust, two-factor authentication solution that leverages public key cryptography to enhance security without needing centralized data storage.

FIDO’s approach offers a frictionless, password-free login experience, reducing IT costs associated with password resets and improving overall user satisfaction.

Despite the advantages, there are also some challenges in adopting FIDO keys, including the initial provisioning process, cost of implementation, and limited support among identity providers.

By integrating FIDO-compliant solutions, organizations can:

  • Meet stringent compliance requirements,
  • Reduce operational costs, and
  • Enhance user experience

This makes FIDO an attractive choice for enterprise mobile device security. Download the paper to learn more.

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