Georgia Mentor-Protégé Connection Selects BlueFletch for 2017 Class

Atlanta, GA – January 27, 2017 – BlueFletch is proud to announce it has been selected to participate in Georgia’s Mentor-Protégé Connection. The program provides a unique opportunity for Georgia’s entrepreneurs to partner with a corporate mentor that is committed to the health and long-term growth of small businesses in Georgia.

BlueFletch is thrilled to announce its partnership with Georgia Power and is looking forward to building strong relationships with a respected leader in the industry.

Administered by the Georgia Education Foundation (GEF) in partnership with the Department for Economic Development, the program was established to help Georgia’s small businesses improve business practices, accelerate growth and explore new technologies.

“We are thrilled to be selected as a protégé and partnered with Georgia Power” said BlueFletch CEO and Managing Partner, Richard Makerson. “I look forward to making the most of my time and leveraging all of the development opportunities provided.”

The mentor firms are leaders in their respective industries, including transportation, education, logistics, manufacturing, telecommunications, consulting services and information technology. Throughout the 12-month program, mentor firms provide high-level educational experiences, peer-to-peer mentoring activities and networking opportunities. Protégé companies will gain from an unparalleled information exchange on a wide range of business issues including strategic planning, sales and marketing, operations, infrastructure, technology and finance.

The Mentor Protégé Connection orientation kick-off was held on January 13th at The Coca-Cola Company.


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