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Simplify Employee Logins with BlueFletch Enterprise Launcher

Simplify your login process with our BlueFletch Enterprise Launcher, a touchless single sign-on tool that provides a secure way for associates to log in to modern Android devices and immediately access all their applications based on their permission level.

BlueFletch and The Home Depot deliver key insights on rugged vs. consumer-grade devices at Zebra Partner Summit

Brett Cooper, a Partner at BlueFletch, will be joining a session panel at the Zebra Partner Summit on Thursday, November 8th at the Orlando Omni Championsgate to discuss Zebra’s real-world mobility solutions that give them an advantage over competitors. He will share the stage with fellow panelist Todd Stankiewicz, Senior Manager Information Systems at The Home Depot, and moderator Andy Cauffman, Zebra Account Manager for the Home Depot.

BlueFletch Celebrates 2018 Women in Technology Awards

Each year, the Women in Technology (WIT) Leadership Awards recognize female leaders whose accomplishments, mentorship, and contributions to the community align with the WIT mission of advancing women in technology from the classroom to the boardroom. BlueFletch has the privilege to celebrate the women on our staff, as well as all the other stellar women pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math (STEAM), at the 2018 Women in Technology Awards.