Empowering Enterprises Through Android Device Managment

The BlueFletch EMS tools are designed to help you reduce costs and improve the management of rugged enterprise Android devices.

Who is EMS For?

What is BlueFletch EMS?

Features and Benefits

Android Device Security Icon


Single Sign-On – Reduce wasted time signing into individual applications on your devices. Access all of your apps with one login. We support the most common flavors of enterprise IAM solutions, including: OKTA, PING, OAuth, and ADFS.

Shared Device Support – EMS Launcher Login is designed for sharing devices between users.  Log in as a different user and see your assigned applications instantaneously. 

Advanced Login / Logoff – Enforce complex login and logout rules to improve the security of your devices, including: geofencing, site login restrictions, smart logout, and login/logout action triggers.

Encrypted Notifications – Leverage our secure notification engine to prevent your notification messages from going through public cloud notification hubs.

Android Support Features Icon


Device Support Agent – Collect information around devices events and allows centralized app log collection. This data can be used for support troubleshooting or can be fed into your enterprise analytics tools.

Find Lost Devices – Reduce lost devices with the EMS device finder. Identify who currently has a device logged in, geolocate lost devices, lock and wipe stolen devices. 

Device Remote Control – Allow your support team to remotely view and control devices to help end-users troubleshoot issues. Works on rugged devices, including Zebra.  

Advanced Customization – Customize your User interface and lockdown settings in ways that you currently can’t through your MDM solutions (such as fine grained settings, network, or bluetooth permissions)

Device Management Icon


Enterprise App Installer – Leverage our enterprise application installer (Playbook) to install applications and packages without requiring end-users to accept permissions or click dialog boxes.

OS Upgrade ManagementGives you the ability to perform fine-grain OS upgrades with advanced features like leveraging local site servers for Upgrade and patch hosting. 

Device Site AwarenessFor devices that move between sites, the EMS site awareness features allow devices to automatically identify their location/site and modify settings and preferences according to the current site. 

Improve Employee ProductivityWith features like smart scanning, voice command mapping, notification intent application triggering, and face re-authentication; EMS will help you improve the productivity end-users activities on mobile devices.

Supported Devices

Supported Devices – EMS is currently validated and functioning correctly for 2018 models and up from Zebra, Honeywell, Datalogic, Nokia, Motorola, and Samsung. 

New Device Additions – BlueFletch is currently in the process of certifying devices from other manufactures/vendors. If you have a device you are interested in compatibility certification, please contact us with the link below.

OS Version Support EMS  currently supports Android 5 and up. We do have legacy versions of some tools; please contact us for more info if you have a question about an older device.  

Supported Android Versions

Component Overview

EMS Android Device Management Components

How to try out EMS

Interested in tying out EMS? If you are interested in demoing EMS to determine if it might be a good to help you with your Android device management needs, the following are the next steps:

  1. Contact Us – Fill out the Contact Us form with your contact info, the types of devices you are looking to test out, your current Identity Provider, and any other questions.
  2. Confirm setup – We will setup a brief call to confirm your configuration for a test environment and will schedule a walkthrough training session.
  3. Walkthrough / Demo Environment – We will provide you with a demo test environment and will walk through how to setup and configure your devices.